Richmond Police Athletic League has joined forces with Swansboro Elementary School in an endeavor to create sustainable connections, foster lifelong memories, and provide opportunities for hope and positive future relations with the youngest citizens in our community through an innovative program called Boys in Blue. Boys in Blue is a mentorship program designed to provide bonding opportunities between Richmond Police Officers and Richmond Public Schools students in an effort to inspire academic achievement, enhance the self-efficacy and self-concept of young male students, and instill pride in our community.
Through this initiative, students engage in weekly lunches with RPD’s officers, discuss barriers to academic and behavioral success, as well as talk about the concerns that they may have surrounding the communities in which they reside. Officers deliver character education lessons provided by the Virginia Department of Education, and they guide students through making good choices, conflict resolution, and other critical life skills. This mentorship program will not only assist our male population in becoming better students, but will work to provide a bridge, connecting our schools, our community, and those who protect and serve our Commonwealth.